Monthly Discourse


Letter: “We Think We Are the Doers”
Kankhal 10 September 1914 Dear X, . . . I am glad to know that you have learned many new ideas about karma yoga from my previous letter [27Kankhal 10 September 1914 Dear X, . . . I am glad to know that you have learned many new ideas about karma yoga
April 8, 2018Timeless Wisdom from a Hasidic Master
Where there is not truth there is no grace. While praying, listen to the words very carefully. When your heart is attentive, your entire being enters your prayer without yourWhere there is not truth there is no grace. While praying, listen to the words very carefully. When your heart is attentive, your entire being
March 1, 2018You Are Sure to Attain God
Master: “The important thing is somehow to cultivate devotion to God and love for Him. What is the use of knowing many things? It is enough to cultivate love forMaster: “The important thing is somehow to cultivate devotion to God and love for Him. What is the use of knowing many things? It is
February 25, 2018There Is No Other Way
Sri Ramakrishna used to say, ‘God reveals himself to a devotee who feels drawn to him by the combined force of these three attractions: the worldly man’s attraction for possessions,Sri Ramakrishna used to say, ‘God reveals himself to a devotee who feels drawn to him by the combined force of these three attractions: the
January 7, 2018Every Duty Is Holy
It is only work that is done as a freewill offering to humanity and to nature that does not bring with it any binding attachment. Duty of any kind isIt is only work that is done as a freewill offering to humanity and to nature that does not bring with it any binding attachment.
December 7, 2017Individuality Is My Motto
Individuality is my motto. I have no ambition beyond training individuals up. I know very little; that little I teach without reserve. Where I am ignorant I confess it asIndividuality is my motto. I have no ambition beyond training individuals up. I know very little; that little I teach without reserve. Where I am
November 9, 2017On Divine Mother Kali
Govinda: “Revered sir, why does the Divine Mother have a black complexion?” Master: “You see her as black because you are far away from Her. Go near and you willGovinda: “Revered sir, why does the Divine Mother have a black complexion?” Master: “You see her as black because you are far away from Her.
October 5, 2017Swami Vivekananda: “Fight Your Way Out”
Wisdom can be preached even on a battlefield. The Gita [Bhagavad Gita] was preached so. There are three states of mind: the active, the passive, and the serene. The passiveWisdom can be preached even on a battlefield. The Gita [Bhagavad Gita] was preached so. There are three states of mind: the active, the passive,
September 14, 2017A True Teacher
First you must find a teacher, a true teacher, and you must remember that he is not just a man. You may get a teacher in the body, but theFirst you must find a teacher, a true teacher, and you must remember that he is not just a man. You may get a teacher
July 19, 2017Swami Vivekananda on Equality
In what scriptures do you find statements that women are not competent for knowledge and devotion? In the period of degradation, when the priests made the other castes incompetent forIn what scriptures do you find statements that women are not competent for knowledge and devotion? In the period of degradation, when the priests made
June 11, 2017