Vedanta: Modern Writings
How to Seek God
The main body of this work is taken from notes of the swami's lectures given at the Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, Bangalore at various periods from 1954 to 1985. They were previously published in 30 installments in the magazine Vedanta Kesari under the title,'How to Seek God' but are here rearranged under different themes. To these are added four articles based on notes of class talks given in Germany (1934-1935) and Spiritual Teachings based on 'Reminiscences of Swami Yatiswarananda' by Pravrajika Saradaprana.
More info →I Am That : The Joy of Inner Awareness (Series#6)
Talks based on Sri Shankaracharya's 'Laghu Vakya Vritti', delivered in Mumbai, India 2008.
The author helps us to go into deep analysis of each of the 18 verses and understand the relevance of those ideas in our daily lives. She helps us to realize that until we can appreciate the joy of inner awareness and pure consciousness, we shall remain in the whirlpool of virtual reality.
Influence of Indian Thought on the Thought of the West
'The Life of Vivekananda and the Universal Gospel' is a biography of Swami Vivekananda written by the French author Romain Rolland in 1920s. In the book, it is evident that the author does not believe that India has had any role in shaping global thought and culture, and nor does he believe that the philosophy of the Upanishads has influenced Western thought in any way. As a rebuttal to Rolland's view on the subject, Swami Ashokananda wrote an article which was published serially in 1931 in the English journal 'Prabuddha Bharata'. Since the article is of great relevance even today, it is being published in a book form under the same title.
More info →Intelligent Way to Yoga, The
The discriminative faculty is the rarest possession of mankind. How can we learn to use it well?
More info →In The Divine Realm
The author, Swami Apurvananda, was a highly revered monk of the Ramakrishna Order. Besides being an intimate disciple of Holy Mother, Sri Sarada devi, he was blessed with the opportunity to live among the direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, and serve them in various ways. Originally published as 'Devaloke' in Bengali, this book presents his experiences of living in the company of those divine beings.
More info →Invitation to Holy Company
The author's memories of holy association with ten of Sri Ramakrishna's direct disciples.
More info →Joy of Spirituality, In the Light of Sri Ramakrishna’s Life and Message
A Vedanta Kesari Presentation
More info →Kali: The Black Goddess of Dakshineswar
A factual and reverential exposition of the Hindu concept of God, the Mother, through stories, historic references, a philosophical overview, and vivid descriptions of the Dakshineswar Kali temple.
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Kali the Mother
Reflective thoughts on the divine mother of the universe blended with extraordinary insight into the cosmic aspect of the Kali ideal.
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