Swami Ashokananda
Ascent to Spiritual Illumination: Ten Lectures on Spiritual Practice
Swami Ashokananda charts out a path for steady, sure advancement toward the goal of human life, spiritual illumination. Chapters include:
The Psychology of God-Vision
Why is the Mind So Restless
The Practice of Interiorness
Why Should We Practice Concentration
The Four Pillars of Wisdom
How to Cultivate Love For God
Spiritual Practice For Beginners
Spiritual Practice for the Advanced
The World of Infinite Light
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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya / Ashokananda
Devanagari text, transliteration, and English translation. The Song of the Free, a classic text of Advaita Vedanta, expresses the highest experience of the unfettered Self.
More info →Call to the Eternal, A
A collection of fourteen editorials written by Swami Ashokananda between 1926 and 1930 when he served as editor of Prabuddha Bharata. These editorials deal with the vital role, spiritual and practical, that India must play in this age if she is to attain her full potential and from which the whole world will necessarily benefit. The following list includes all chapter titles:
Some Fundamentals of Hinduism-I
Some Fundamentals of Hinduism-II
Fire-Bath of Reason
Swami Vivekanada: The Inner Man
The Origin of Swami Vivekanada's Doctrine of Service
The Dream of New Perfection
So Simple Yet So Complex: The Anatomy of Universal Religion
Will the Twain Meet?
Looking Beyond the Frontier
Through the Dark to the New Dawn
Ring Out the Old, Ring In the New
Lest We Forget
The Synthetic Vision
A Call to the Eternal
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Influence of Indian Thought on the Thought of the West
'The Life of Vivekananda and the Universal Gospel' is a biography of Swami Vivekananda written by the French author Romain Rolland in 1920s. In the book, it is evident that the author does not believe that India has had any role in shaping global thought and culture, and nor does he believe that the philosophy of the Upanishads has influenced Western thought in any way. As a rebuttal to Rolland's view on the subject, Swami Ashokananda wrote an article which was published serially in 1931 in the English journal 'Prabuddha Bharata'. Since the article is of great relevance even today, it is being published in a book form under the same title.
More info →Let Us Be God
The author, Swami Ashokananda, is renowned for his thought-provoking lectures and articles on Vedanta philosophy and its practical application in daily life. This book borrows its title from an inspired utterance of Swami Vivekananda which forms the subject of the Swami’s deliberations presented herein as the first lecture. By his forceful lectures based on deep reasoning, the Swami turns our attention to the Divine within. The lectures and articles included here were earlier published in Prabuddha Bharata and Vedanta Kesari, the two English monthly journals of the Ramakrishna Order. The articles included are: Let us be God; God and the other God; Free will or predestination? Thinking versus meditation; The quest for power; Reality as the Supreme person; The great lie; The religion of the future and the future of religion; Sri Sankaracharya: A study; Swami Vivekananda, the Ideal for the modern age.
More info →Meditation, Ecstasy and Illumination: An Overview of Vedanta
Eight lectures delivered by Swami Ashokananda to American audiences which provide a comprehensive view of the Vedanta philosophy and which will inspire spiritual aspirants along whatever path they may be following. Chapter titles include:
The Teacher-Prophets of Vedanta
The Theory and Practice of Monism
The Razor's Edge
Meditate While You Work: A New Path for a New Age
Ritualism: Its Place in Spiritual Life
When the Heart Cries For God
God and God-men inVedanta
Meditation, Ecstasy, and Illumination
More info →Memories of Swami Shivananda
A reverent, personal appreciation of blessings and guidance received from this great disciple of Sri Ramakrishna.
More info →Soul’s Journey to Its Destiny, The
Swami Ashokananda provides an explanation of the involution and evolution of the soul, providing not only an intellectual understanding of the soul's journey, but practical counsel on how to speed it toward the spiritual goal. Chapter titles include the following:
What Makes a Man
The Mysterious Ways of the Mind
Why We Are What We Are
The Soul's Journey to Its Destiny
The Birth and Death of the Ego
The Unconscious and the Superconscious
The Significance and Importance of the Conscious Mind
The Kundalini and the Awakening of the Higher Consciousness
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Spiritualizing Everyday Life and Worship of the Spirit by the Spirit
Two lectures on living Vedanta delivered in San Francisco in 1957 and 1955 respectively.
More info →Spiritual Practice: Its Conditions and Preliminaries
When first the beauty of spiritual life dawns on our vision, our reaction to it is pre-eminently emotional; we do not know the bearings of the path that leads to the spiritual goal. As we embark on the journey, very soon we feel the want of clear knowledge. Remembering his own days of such difficulties, the author undertook an honest discussion of the preliminary stages and conditions of practical religion. First published in the 1920s under the author's pen-name "Ananda".
The chapters in this book are: In the Outer Court; Sandhya-Vandana and Kirtana; Pranayama; Intellectualism versus Spirituality; On the Threshold; When Shall We Renounce? Is Renunciation Necessary? External Renunciation; Is Human Love a Help? The Case of the Unmarried; The Case of the Married; Karma-Yoga; Brahmacharya; The Question of Food; The Necessity of the Guru; Signs of a True Guru.
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