Vedanta: Modern Writings

Adventures in Religious Life

Adventures in Religious Life

A volume of inspiring, instructive ideas for the spiritual seeker.

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Adversities are Opportunities : Stories from Ancient India

Adversities are Opportunities : Stories from Ancient India

Stories showing how adversities can be transformed into privileges and problems be converted into opportunities.

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Approach to Truth in Vedanta, The

Approach to Truth in Vedanta, The

Addresses the question of what it is that makes Vedanta appeal to thinking minds and relevant in today's world.

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Ascent to Spiritual Illumination: Ten Lectures on Spiritual Practice

Ascent to Spiritual Illumination: Ten Lectures on Spiritual Practice

Swami Ashokananda charts out a path for steady, sure advancement toward the goal of human life, spiritual illumination. Chapters include:

The Psychology of God-Vision

Why is the Mind So Restless

The Practice of Interiorness

Why Should We Practice Concentration

The Four Pillars of Wisdom

How to Cultivate Love For God

Spiritual Practice For Beginners

Spiritual Practice for the Advanced

The World of Infinite Light


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Atman : Our True Nature (Series#8)

Atman : Our True Nature (Series#8)

The basic problem of human mind is the loss of identity. The author explains the eternal concepts of 'who I am', as given by Swami Vivekananda, against a background that helps us to be aware of our true nature. The discussion is based on two of Swami Vivekananda's lectures: 'The Atman' and 'The Atman: Its Bondage and Freedom'.

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Basic Ideas of Hinduism and How It is Transmitted

Basic Ideas of Hinduism and How It is Transmitted

A rich collection of insights on the theory and practice of Vedanta philosophy.

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Being Spiritual, Staying Practical

Being Spiritual, Staying Practical

What does being "spiritual" really mean? How to remain grounded and "practical" even when aspiring for the Truth that transcends our mundane realities of daily life? These questions are answered clearly in this easy-to-digest book, filled with insightful teachings gathered from informal conversations with Swami Sarvagatananda (1912-2009), an illustrious and illumined monk of the Ramakrishna Order, whose teachings have helped transform the lives of generations of earnest truth-seekers.

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Call to the Eternal, A

Call to the Eternal, A

A collection of fourteen editorials written by Swami Ashokananda between 1926 and 1930 when he served as editor of Prabuddha Bharata. These editorials deal with the vital role, spiritual and practical, that India must play in this age if she is to attain her full potential and from which the whole world will necessarily benefit. The following list includes all chapter titles:

Some Fundamentals of Hinduism-I

Some Fundamentals of Hinduism-II

Fire-Bath of Reason

Swami Vivekanada: The Inner Man

The Origin of Swami Vivekanada's Doctrine of Service

The Dream of New Perfection

So Simple Yet So Complex: The Anatomy of Universal Religion

Will the Twain Meet?

Looking Beyond the Frontier

Through the Dark to the New Dawn

Ring Out the Old, Ring In the New

Lest We Forget

The Synthetic Vision

A Call to the Eternal


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Channeling Youth Power

Channeling Youth Power

A collection of articles on facets of youth power and how to harness its potential. Authors include: Swami Trigunatita, Swami Atmashraddhananda, Swami Gautamananda, Swami Budhananda, Swami Bhaskarananda, Swami Dayatmananda, Swami Brahmeshananda, Swami Nityasthananda, Swami Baneshananda, Swami Bodhamayananda, Pravrajika Akhandaprana and others.

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