Hymns, Chants, and Poetry in Hinduism
Adityahrdayam: Hymn to the Sun
Adityahrdayam - the Hymn to the sun god is ascribed to the sage Agastya, and occurs in Valmiki's Ramayana. Agastya sang this hymn to lord Rama to establish the truth of the Vedantic dictum: the individual soul is identical with the universal Self.
The booklet provides Devanagari text (but no transliteration), followed by English translation of each verse. Translation by S. Venkatasubramanyam.
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Arati Songs of the Ramakrishna Order
Four vesper hymns in praise of Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi. A new translation with extensive notes to bring out the deeper meaning of the hymns. Devanagari text, transliteration, and English translation.
More info →Aratrika Hymns and Ramanam
Vesper hymns sung in centers of the Ramakrishna Order, and also the well-known hymn in praise of Rama. Devanagari text, transliteration, and English translation.
More info →Bhaja Govindam of Sri Sankaracarya
Composed by Shankaracharya, these verses express the highest truths of Vedanta, so essential for man's mental and spiritual health, in simple language. This booklet provides the Devanagari text, followed by transliteration and English translation of each verse. Translation by Swami Nikhilananda.
More info →Dakshinamurti Stotram and Dasasloki of Sri Sankaracharya
Sri Sankaracharya's Dakshinamurti Stotram or "Hymn to Dakshinamurti" is a poetic masterpiece where in the short compass of ten stanzas the great teacher delineates the fundamental teachings of the whole Vedanta philosophy.
In this edition, Dasasloki or "Ten Verses on the Atman" is also added. These ten verses are considered by many in the traditional circles as the last pronouncement of Sankaracharya on the subject to his intimate disciples.
Nirvanashatakam or "Six Stanzas on Freedom" by the acharya is included in the Appendix.
The pocket-sized booklet provides the texts in Devanagari script (but no English transliteration), followed by English translation in verse form. Translated by Swami Gabhirananda.
More info →Dasavatara Stotra of Jayadeva
Dasavatara Stotra is a hymn in praise of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu from Gita-Govinda of Sri Jayadeva. Devanagari text, followed by transliteration, and English translation of each verse is provided. Also, a brief summary on incarnations is presented at the introduction.
More info →Divine Life: Its Practice and Realization
A book for reflection and meditation consisting of selected passages from the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, the Bhagavatam, and other Vedantic scriptures arranged according to topics. The verses are presented in Devanagari script (without English transliteration) followed by English translation. The verses are arranged under the following topics: The Self and the Body; The Divine, the Soul and the Universe; The Ways of the Spiritual and the Worldly; The Threefold Nature of Men and Things; General Means to Divine Realization; Moral Culture; The Path of Selfless Activity; The Path of Devotion; The Path of Knowledge; The Path of Concentration and Meditation; Theistic Meditations on the Divine; Monistic Meditations; The Ways of the Ideal Man; The Ultimate Goal.
In the introduction, a very valuable, detailed systematic account of the theory and practice of spiritual life is given. This book forms a companion volume to the swami's "Universal Prayers" https://sfvedanta.org/books/universal-prayers/
More info →Divine Sports of Krishna: Poems of Sur Dasa
Poems on Krishna's childhood and adolescence, the Rasa Lila, or dance of the Gopis and Krishna's taking leave of the people of Braj. English translation.
More info →Gopika Gitam: The Song of the Gopis
Gopika Gitam comprises of nineteen verses sung by the Gopis addressed to Lord Krishna. It occurs in the thirty first chapter of the tenth book of Srimad Bhagavatam. This booklet provides the verses in Devanagari text, followed by transliteration and English translation.
More info →Hanuman Chalisa Of Goswami Tulsidas
Hymn of praise recounting the heroic deeds of Sri Hanuman from Ramacharitamanasa. The booklet provides the verses in Hindi, followed by English transliteration, and English translation. Easy to read large fonts.
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