3/3 Srimad Bhagavatam: Dialogue between King Nimi and Nine Yogis

Swami Tattwamayananda will be giving a series of lectures on the “Srimad Bhagavatam: Dialogue between King Nimi and Nine Yogis” in the South Bay on January 24-26, 2016, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
The Eleventh Skandha of the Bhagavata deals with Moksha – the attainment of illumination and liberation from the cycle of life and death. The 11th Skanda opens up with a question by Vasudeva, the father of Krishna to Narada, the Divine sage around the exposition of the Bhagavata Dharma – practicing which will lead to Moksha. Narada’s reply is in the form of an elaborate description of the discourses that the Navayogis – the sons of King Rishabha gave at the court of King Nimi of Videha. These nine yogis had taken to asceticism from an early life and attained to the highest stage of spiritual illumination. King Nimi poses 9 questions on man’s spiritual well being to the Nava- Yogis. The answers to these questions cover the entire gamut of Vedanta, Bhagavata Dharma, Characteristics of a Bhakta, Maya, Karma, Yuga-dharma etc. This discourse is considered to be one of the most illuminating sections in the Bhagavatam and deals with high Bhakti(Devotion) and Jnana (knowledge). Its also considered to be Bhagavata essence in a nutshell.
(Adapted from Srimad Bhagavatam translation by Swami Tapasyananda – Sri Ramakrishna Math)