To Donate

The Vedanta Society is a non-profit religious organization wholly supported by the generous donations of its members and friends. All donations are held in strict confidentiality.
Here are three convenient ways to give your tax-deductible donation:
We accept credit cards through PayPal (a PayPal account is not necessary).
Select Donation Purpose:
For “General Fund”:
For "Dues":
By Check:
Make check payable to the Vedanta Society of Northern California and mail to:
Vedanta Society of Northern California
2323 Vallejo Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
By Phone:
We accept credit cards over the phone.
Please call: 415-922-2323 on Saturdays and Sundays between 1 and 4 PM and ask for the bookshop.
Your contributions to the Vedanta Society of Northern California are tax-deductible under
section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.
Thank you for your support