125th Anniversary Special Program
Saturday • April 26 • 11 a.m.
You are most cordially invited to join our annual pilgrimage to
— Shanti Ashrama on Saturday, April 26. —
If you would like to attend, RSVP by April 22 at this link.

The program will consist of a worship (puja), flower offerings by devotees, talks and chanting, and tours of the Ashrama.Please bring your lunch and drinking water.
Only coffee, tea, juice, and a dessert will be provided at lunchtime.
You may also wish to bring: a pillow or chair to sit on; a sun hat and a warm jacket, since the weather can be quite variable.
at this peaceful, holy, and meditative place.
May our bodies be filled with strength, peace, and joy.
May our eyes, our ears, our senses, our energy, our life,
all be sweet with divine harmony.
All, whatever we perceive, is verily divine.
May we never cease to see God.
May God never forsake us.
May we be absorbed more and more in divine being.
And may the glories of Self-realization be manifest
in and through our life and mind.
Om. Peace, peace, peace.
– Shanti (Peace) Mantra
Chandogya Upanishad