When nothing will intervene between you and Him, then you will realize Him.
Your vision should be directed high. Just as your ideal is noble, so your heart should be big
Whatever we are now is the result of our acts and thoughts in the past; And whatever we shall be in the future will be the result of what we think and do now.
Bearing with all the selfishness of the world, we must become free from the least touch of it- that is our ideal.
Whatever is most covetable to people in general and whatever is specially dear to oneself should be offered unto Me. That offering produces infinite results.
When man has seen himself as one with the Infinite Being of the universe, when all separateness has ceased, when all men and women, all gods and angels, all animals and plants, and the whole universe have melted into the Oneness, then all fear disappears.
Never forget that the ideal of life is to realize God, to see God. Struggle hard to grow in love for him. Attain him. He is the very life of our life, the soul of our soul. He is the Lord of our heart, he is our very own. Yearn for him with a longing heart.
The Master, Sri Ramakrishna, used to say that water accumulates only in low land. Only in humility the good qualities of the mind and heart become manifest. Pride always holds the head high.
Never forget that a man is made great and perfect as much by his faults as by his virtues.
Always offer food. Pure food purifies the body and the mind.
Always remember that he is the all in all; you are nothing. The more this idea grows in you, the more you will be the channel for a greater expression of His power.
The totality of all souls, not the human alone, is the personal God. The will of the totality nothing can resist. It is what we know as Law.
Whatever household we are placed in belongs to God, and whatever be our job there, we should, depending on Him, do it to the best of our ability.
One curious fact present in the midst of all our joys and sorrows, difficulties and struggles, is that we are surely journeying towards freedom
Longing is like the rosy dawn. After the dawn, out comes the sun. Longing is followed by the vision of God
God is Infinite, and infinite are the ways to reach him.
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