World Religions and Spiritual Wisdom

Spiritual Athlete, The – A primer for the Inner Life

Spiritual Athlete, The – A primer for the Inner Life

A collection of twenty two essays by various eminent writers portraying the life and works of spiritual giants from the east and west. Compiled and edited by Ray Berry. Selected by the Library of Congress for Talking Books.

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Strength in the Storm: Creating Calm in Difficult Times

Strength in the Storm: Creating Calm in Difficult Times

In the midst of chaos we can find balance, peace and wisdom if we learn to steady our minds.  A simple idea but one that runs deep.

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Thus Spake Guru Nanak

Thus Spake Guru Nanak

Founder of Sikh religion who started his mission of spreading a new gospel to propagate divine love and that God is one, God is unity, and all human beings are equal in the eyes of God.

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Thus Spake Lord Mahavir

Thus Spake Lord Mahavir

Lord Mahavir was the 24th tirthankar or prophet of the Jain religion.  He renounced the world and became a wandering monk practicing the religion of non-violence and non-possession.

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Thus Spake Prophet Mohammad

Thus Spake Prophet Mohammad

At age 40 Mohammad received his first 'divine revelation' and from this time onward he felt he had a mission in life to uplift his people from the precipice of moral degradation and debased idolatry.

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Thus Spake Sankara

Thus Spake Sankara

Born in 788 A.D., Sankara renounced the world before his mind could be contaminated by it, and embraced monasticism dedicating his life to God-realization and, also, to bringing back India to its spiritual roots.

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