Vedanta Scriptures: Upanishads

Upanishads, The Vol. 1

Upanishads, The Vol. 1

Katha, Isa, Kena and Mundaka Upanishads. Includes a valuable introductory essay on the subject matter of the Upanishads. English only.

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Upanishads, The Vol. 2

Upanishads, The Vol. 2

Svetasvatara, Prasna, Mandukya Upanishads prefaced by an essay on Hindu ethics. English only.

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Upanishads, The Vol. 3

Upanishads, The Vol. 3

Aitareya and Brihadaranyaka Upanishads. English only.

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Upanishads, The Vol. 4

Upanishads, The Vol. 4

Taittiriya and Chhandogya Upanishads. English only.

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Upanishads, The / Easwaran

Upanishads, The / Easwaran

A modern translation of the major Upanishads with an informative introduction and concluding essay. English only.

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Upanishads for Students

Upanishads for Students

Upanishads are a source of enduring strength and wisdom for living a noble and great life. What the young people need most is strength to face challenges and discover the true purpose of life. This is a small selection of important Upanishadic passages, made especially with young people in mind. With original devanagari script, transliteration, English translation plus comparable passages from Swami Vivekananda's works.

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Yoga Upanisads, The

Yoga Upanisads, The

This is a rare edition printed in Devanagri script with commentary by Sri Upanisad-Brahmayogin, the only person to have commented on all the 108 Upanisads. Originally published in 1920, this edition with the commentary was republished in 1968. Edited by A. Mahadeva Shastry.

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