Sri Ramakrishna: Life, Teachings, and Reminiscences

Sri Ramakrishna The Great Master

Sri Ramakrishna The Great Master

An English translation of the original Bengali classic 'Sri Sri Ramakrishna Lila-prasanga' by Swami Saradananda, a direct disciple of the Master.  It is the most comprehensive, authentic and critical estimate of the life, spiritual striving and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna.  It has the great value of having been written by a monastic disciple of the Master who actually shared the extraordinary spiritual experiences he describes.  Translated into English by Swami Jagadananda. Presently comes as a set of 2 volumes.

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Tales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishna

Tales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishna

Profound spiritual teachings that the Master expressed in the homely imageries of Indian village life or based on Indian mythological stories.  This edition also includes an introduction which gives a short account of the life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna.

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Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna

Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna

A very useful collection of the teachings of Sri Ramakrishan , drawn from many sources, and sorted and put under elaborate headings.  Published by Advaita Ashrama.

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Thus Spake Sri Ramakrishna

Thus Spake Sri Ramakrishna

A small collection of sayings of Sri Ramakrishna in a pocket-size booklet form.  Also includes a very brief life-story of the Master.

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Visions of Sri Ramakrishna

Visions of Sri Ramakrishna

Carefully collected records of Sri Ramakrishna's transcendental experiences.

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Wonder that is Sri Ramakrishna, The

Wonder that is Sri Ramakrishna, The

An English translation of the original Bengali book Sri Sri Ramakrishna-Mahima by Akshay Kumar Sen, a householder disciple of Sri Ramakrishna.  This book contains many authentic anecdotes about the Master and his teachings some of which are not to be found in other books.  Some of the author's views on function of the mind, etc. may not be acceptable to traditional hindu scholars but by the author's own admission, these are based on his own understandings and experiences and not necessarily based on scriptures.

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Words of the Master

Words of the Master

Selected precepts of Sri Ramakrishna, compiled by Swami Brahmananda whom Sri Ramakrishna regarded as next to Swami Vivekananda in his capacity for realising religious ideals.  This little volume, therefore, assumes a great importance in consideration of the source from which it has come.  The original brochure is in Bengali of which this is an English rendering.

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