Death and End of Life
Beyond Life and Death – A Dialogue Between Yama and Nachiketa
Selected Verses from Kathopanishad - in Swami Vivekanandas Words.
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Death or Immortality? A Dialogue with Death (Series#3)
Nothing is more fascinating and yet shocking to human mind than death. The Katha Upanishad is a dialogue between a young boy Nachiketa - a seeker of Truth, and Yama - the Lord of Death. Who or where is God? How relevant is the sense world? And finally, what is beyond death? All these are discussed and explained very simply and directly in this book. Based on lectures on the Katha Upanishad given in New Delhi, India in 2005.
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Life After Death
Compilation of Swami Vivekananda's talks and writings: "Is The Soul Immortal?" "Reincarnation", and "Life After Death".
More info →Mystery of Death, The
An illuminating analysis of the sacred dialog between Nachiketa, the seeker after divine truth, and Yama, ruler of death contained in the Katha Upanishad.
More info →Problem of Life and Death, The
Thoughts about the soul, the power of karma, reincarnation, and immortality.
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An Investigation of Conscious Living and Conscious Dying.
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