Vedanta: Modern Writings
Methods of Knowledge According to Advaita Vedanta
An excellent study and reference work presenting the means of valid knowledge accepted by the Vedanta tradition which lead to Self-realization.
More info →Mind According to Vedanta
Most of the chapters in this book are lectures given by Swami Satprakashananda in the late 1950s and 1960s at the Vedanta Center in St. Louis. The chapters are as follows: Mind, According to Vedanta; How to Purify the Mind; The Mind and the Soul; The Mind and its Ways; The Mind and the Senses; The Mind and its Control; Waking, Dreaming and Deep Sleep; Samadhi or Superconscious Experience; Meditation: Its Purpose and Practice; Psychiatry and Vedanta.
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Modern Man in Search of Religion
A discussion of some of the problems which obscure the spiritual awareness of man in the present age.
More info →Monasticism: Ideal and Traditions
A collection of articles originally published in the 1990 special issue of the Vedanta Kesari. This handbook presents in clear terms the monastic ideal and provides a glimpse into several monastic traditions that have arisen from that ideal.
More info →Motherhood of God, The
Awareness of the reality of the motherhood of God opens up a joyful, natural, sublime path for the spiritual aspirant to follow.
More info →Mother of Mayavati: The Story of Charlotte Sevier and Advaita Ashrama
Charlotte Sevier, inspired by Swami Vivekananda, played a crucial role in the early history of the Ramakrishna movement. Founder, with her husband, of the Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, she spent the remainder of her life guiding it and writing extensively on advaita Vedanta for the journal Prabuddha Bharata.
More info →My India My People – Sister Nivedita
Transcript of lectures given by Pravrajika Atmaprana at the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture in 1979. Topics include: Service to the poor and needy in India; Nivedita's work among women; Nivedita's support to the cause of national education; Nivedita's contribution in the field of national awakening.
More info →Mystery of Human Experience : Who Is the Seer and What is the Seen? (Series #7)
In our concept of experience, who is the subject and what is the object? Who is the seer, what is the seen? Based on Shankaracharya's 'Drg Drsya Viveka', the author helps us to discriminate between the experiencer and the object of experience, the ultimate Reality and apparent reality. Based on talks delivered at Pangot, India in 2009.
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Path of Devotion, The
The author's admonitions to steadfastness, fearlessness and self surrender are the call of the innermost soul to itself.
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