Vedanta: Modern Writings

Letters of Sister Nivedita 2 Vol. Set

Letters of Sister Nivedita 2 Vol. Set

A vast collection of letters, relating to Nivedita's public as well as private life, written between the years 1898 and 1911. They give a vivid picture of her struggles to adapt to Indian life, to establish her work for Indian women, and to further India's quest for independence.

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Let Us Be God

Let Us Be God

The author, Swami Ashokananda, is renowned for his thought-provoking lectures and articles on Vedanta philosophy and its practical application in daily life. This book borrows its title from an inspired utterance of Swami Vivekananda which forms the subject of the Swami’s deliberations presented herein as the first lecture. By his forceful lectures based on deep reasoning, the Swami turns our attention to the Divine within. The lectures and articles included here were earlier published in Prabuddha Bharata and Vedanta Kesari, the two English monthly journals of the Ramakrishna Order. The articles included are: Let us be God; God and the other God; Free will or predestination? Thinking versus meditationThe quest for powerReality as the Supreme personThe great lie; The religion of the future and the future of religionSri Sankaracharya: A studySwami Vivekananda, the Ideal for the modern age.

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Light to the West, A

Light to the West, A

The first part of the book is a biography of the swami. He joined in the early years of our organization when most of the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna were still alive and active. The second part of the book consists of notes taken over the years of private talks with his monastics.

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Living Wisdom: Vedanta in the West

Living Wisdom: Vedanta in the West

A wide-ranging collection of articles presenting fresh insights into this timeless philosophy. Includes articles by Huston Smith, Pico Iyer, Thomas Keating, Christopher Isherwood and other noted writers.

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Man and His Mind

Man and His Mind

The author discusses problems created by the undisciplined mind and the spiritual methods available for bringing the mind under control.

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Man In Search of Immortality: Testimonials From the Hindu Scriptures

Man In Search of Immortality: Testimonials From the Hindu Scriptures

Man's nature, origin, and destiny as interpreted in the Hindu scriptures.

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Meditation, Ecstasy and Illumination: An Overview of Vedanta

Meditation, Ecstasy and Illumination: An Overview of Vedanta

Eight lectures delivered by Swami Ashokananda to American audiences which provide a comprehensive view of the Vedanta philosophy and which will inspire spiritual aspirants along whatever path they may be following. Chapter titles include:

The Teacher-Prophets of Vedanta

The Theory and Practice of Monism

The Razor's Edge

Meditate While You Work: A New Path for a New Age

Ritualism: Its Place in Spiritual Life

When the Heart Cries For God

God and God-men inVedanta

Meditation, Ecstasy, and Illumination

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Meditation as Spiriual Culmination : Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali (2 vols)

Meditation as Spiriual Culmination : Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali (2 vols)

Raja Yoga Lectures by Swami Sarvagatananda 1977 - 1981. What distinguishes this book from others on the same subject is its extremely exhaustive treatment of each aphorism and its intensely practical approach.

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