Meditation and Spiritual Life
Mind According to Vedanta
Most of the chapters in this book are lectures given by Swami Satprakashananda in the late 1950s and 1960s at the Vedanta Center in St. Louis. The chapters are as follows: Mind, According to Vedanta; How to Purify the Mind; The Mind and the Soul; The Mind and its Ways; The Mind and the Senses; The Mind and its Control; Waking, Dreaming and Deep Sleep; Samadhi or Superconscious Experience; Meditation: Its Purpose and Practice; Psychiatry and Vedanta.
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Miracle of Mindfulness, The: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation
In this book which serves as an introduction to the practice of meditation, Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us of the essential discipline of following one's breath to nourish and maintain calm mindfulness, even in the midst of the most difficult circumstances. From washing the dishes to answering the phone to peeling an orange, he reminds us that each moment holds within it an opportunity to work toward greater self-understanding and peacefulness. Originally written in Vietnamese as a long letter; translated by Mobi Ho.
More info →Passage Meditation: Bringing the Deep Wisdom of the Heart into Daily Life
Passage meditation is a method developed by Easwaran in which you choose a spiritual text, or passage that embodies your highest ideals, memorize it, and send it deep into consciousness through slow, sustained attention. In this book the author presents simple, practical instructions on practice of meditation through eight steps: Meditation on a Passage; Repetition of a Mantram; Slowing Down; One-pointed Attention; Training The Senses; Putting Others First; Spiritual Fellowship; and Spiritual Reading.
More info →Practice of Meditation, The
A translation of the swami's talks on the practice of meditation given in French at the Centre Vedantique Ramakrichna, Gretz, France.
The Chapters in this book are: What is Meditation; The Value of Meditation; The Object of Meditation: Self-mastery; Preparation for Meditation; Different Meditation Techniques; The Practice of Meditation; Importance of Mastering Prana; The Part Played by the Guru; The Part Played by the Mantra and Japa; Extracts from the Scriptures; and Various Opinions on Meditation.
More info →Science of Yoga, The: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Interesting and popular edition of Patanjalis Yoga Aphorisms with extensive commentary by the translator. Devanagari text, transliteration, and English translation. See also: Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
More info →Spiritual Practice: Its Conditions and Preliminaries
When first the beauty of spiritual life dawns on our vision, our reaction to it is pre-eminently emotional; we do not know the bearings of the path that leads to the spiritual goal. As we embark on the journey, very soon we feel the want of clear knowledge. Remembering his own days of such difficulties, the author undertook an honest discussion of the preliminary stages and conditions of practical religion. First published in the 1920s under the author's pen-name "Ananda".
The chapters in this book are: In the Outer Court; Sandhya-Vandana and Kirtana; Pranayama; Intellectualism versus Spirituality; On the Threshold; When Shall We Renounce? Is Renunciation Necessary? External Renunciation; Is Human Love a Help? The Case of the Unmarried; The Case of the Married; Karma-Yoga; Brahmacharya; The Question of Food; The Necessity of the Guru; Signs of a True Guru.
More info →Timeless Wisdom
A little over a hundred passages for reflection and contemplation from the world's great saints and sages from all religious traditions. Easwaran chose texts that are positive, practical, and inspiring, that express the universal ideals of love, steadfastness, and wisdom.
More info →Yoga for Beginners
This book is a compilation of the talks on Yoga given by Swami Gnaneswarananda at Vedanta Society of Chicago, and taken down, mostly stenographically, by three of his students. Every effort has been made to weave those notes into a whole that is both comprehensive and representative of the swami's Yoga classes. The talks are arranged under the sections: Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Karma Yoga. They first appeared serially in Vedanta Kesari, one of the main journals of the Ramakrishna Order, from 1967 through 1971. As the title indicates, the book is primarily intended for beginners in spiritual life. However, those who are well along the road will also find much encouragement and inspiration in it.
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