Hymns, Chants, and Poetry in Hinduism

Ramprasad: The Melodious Mystic

Ramprasad: The Melodious Mystic

A brief biography and some songs of the great poet and devotee of the Divine Mother. The songs of Ramprasad were often sung by Sri Ramakrishna.

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Rudram, Sri and Purushasuktam

Rudram, Sri and Purushasuktam

Devanagari text, word-for-word meanings, English translation and commentary.

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Rudra Prasna, Sri

Rudra Prasna, Sri

Sri Rudram is a beautiful Vedic prayer to Lord Rudra.  The omnipresence of God which is universally accepted by all religions, is beautifully brought out in this prayer.  The booklet provides Devanagari text with swara or chant marks (but no transliteration), followed by English translation of each verse.  Translation by V. K. Subramanian.

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Siva Mahimnah Stotram: Hymn on the Greatness of Siva

Siva Mahimnah Stotram: Hymn on the Greatness of Siva

Siva Mahimna Stotram or Hymn on the greatness of Shiva is grand in conception, sublime in diction, and uplifting in its influence.  This booklet provides the Devanagari text (but not English transliteration), followed by word-for-word meanings in English, and overall English translation of each verse.  Translation and explanations by Swami Pavitrananda.

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Siva Sahasranama Stotram

Siva Sahasranama Stotram

One thousand epithets of Lord Shiva in verse form.  In the beginning is the meditation (dhyanam) on Shiva.  Also included at the end are the verses on Shiva Manasa puja (mental worship of lord Shiva).  The booklet presents the text in Devanagari script only (no transliteration or English translation).

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Spiritual Heritage of Tyagaraja

Spiritual Heritage of Tyagaraja

Songs embodying the trials and yearnings, the religious fervor, and devotional experiences of one of the greatest of South India's saints. Introductory essay by Dr. V. Raghavan. Text in Devanagari script with English translation.

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Story of Mira’s Love, The

Story of Mira’s Love, The

A brief biography of the saint, Mirabai, a great devotee of Sri Krishna, with selections of her songs in English translation.

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Stotranjalih: Hymn Offerings to Sri Ramakrishna and the Holy Mother

Stotranjalih: Hymn Offerings to Sri Ramakrishna and the Holy Mother

Hymns to Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi composed by Swamis Abhedananda, Virajananda, and others; also Stotraratna and Gopigitam. Devanagari text, transliteration and English translation.

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Stotraratna of Sri Yamunacarya

Stotraratna of Sri Yamunacarya

The Hymn Jewel in praise of Vishnu was composed by the tenth century philosopher and saint Yamunacharya. It is noted for its beauty of language and great devotional fervor. Devanagari text, transliteration, and English translation.

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Tripurasundari Ashtakam

Tripurasundari Ashtakam

An octad to the Divine Mother Tripurasundari composed by Shankaracharya.  The booklet provides Devanagari text (but no transliteration), and English translation of each verse followed by explanatory notes on important points.  The significance of the name Tripurasundari is explained in the introduction.  Translation and explanations by S. Kameswar.

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