Hymns, Chants, and Poetry in Hinduism

Hundred Devotional Songs of Tagore, A

Hundred Devotional Songs of Tagore, A

Songs of prayer and worship in moods. Care has been taken to retain the nuances and imagery patterns as much as possible. Bengali text in roman transliteration is given as well as English translation.

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Hymns and Prayers To Gods and Goddesses

Hymns and Prayers To Gods and Goddesses

An inspiring collection of 50 hymns from Sanskrit spiritual literature including many by Shankaracharya. Formerly titled, Altar Flowers. Devanagari text, English translation.

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Lalita Sahasranama, Sri

Lalita Sahasranama, Sri

Devanagari text, transliteration, and English translation. Hymn extolling the Divine Mother by a thousand appellations from Brahmanda Purana. Informative introduction on the philosophy of Mother worship by Prof. D. S. Sharma.

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Lalita Sahasranama Stotram, Sri

Lalita Sahasranama Stotram, Sri

This booklet presents Sri Lalita Sahasranama Stotra in Devanagari text only.  Useful for chanting purpose.  (No transliteration or English translation provided.)

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Mantrapushpam, Pocket Edition

Mantrapushpam, Pocket Edition

Handy pocket edition of the popular Vedic chant book, Mantrapushpam (5 1/4 X 3 3/4 inches). The print is smaller but clear and easy to read. Paging is the same as in the larger book.

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Mantrapushpam, Revised Edition.

Mantrapushpam, Revised Edition.

A vedic chant book in Devanagari script with swara (chant marks). Contains 16 Upanishads, 13 Suktas, Sri Rudra ,Chamaka and Arunah Prashnas, Ghana Patha, Sama Veda mantras and 25 stotras on various Gods and Goddesses. Sanskrit only.

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Mantrapushpam CD (Set of 5 CDs)

Mantrapushpam CD (Set of 5 CDs)

Newly available - Traditional chanting of the texts included in the book Mantrapushpam.

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Mukundamala, Sri: A Garland of Hymns to Mukunda

Mukundamala, Sri: A Garland of Hymns to Mukunda

Mukundamala or a Garland of Hymns to Mukunda is a Sanskrit poem composed in praise of Lord Vishnu by the saintly king Kulasekhara.  In this edition, 41 stanzas have been chosen which form the core of the poem.  This booklet provides the verses in Devanagari text, (no English transliteration) followed by English translation.  Translated by Swami Gabhirananda.

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Purusasukta, The: An Exegesis

Purusasukta, The: An Exegesis

A free English translation and commentary on this hymn of praise from the Rig-Veda. Devanagari text, chant marks, transliteration.

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Purusha Suktam and Narayana Suktam

Purusha Suktam and Narayana Suktam

Tracing the projection of everything in the universe to the Supreme Brahman, the Purusha Sukta, a short hymn of eighteen Riks, contains a succinct of the Vedanta philosophy, which deals with the relation between man, God, and the universe.  This Sukta finds a place in all the vedas with slight variations.  The text followed here is the one appearing in Taittiriya Aranyaka, III,12-13.

The well-known Narayana Sukta, also from Taittiriya Aranyaka, X.13, whose "ideas" form the basis of meditation on the Supreme Person, is also included in this booklet.

Devanagari text with chant marks, and English translation are provided.

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