Books for Children
Story of Sri Krishna for Children, The Part 2
The adventures of Sri Krishna, and the blessings he bestowed on friend and foe alike, are continued in this volume.
For Volume 1, see: Sri Krishna Pictorial, Vol 1.
More info →Story of Vivekananda, The
The life of the great awakener of India and carrier of India's spiritual message to the West. Attractively illustrated.
More info →Swami Vivekananda’s Childhood
Swami Vivekananda's personality with his courage, selflessness, love for his fellow beings, thirst for knowledge among other noble qualities serves as a wonderful model for all children.
More info →Swami Vivekananda Tells Stories
Swami Vivekananda was a wonderful story-teller. This collection contains most of the anecdotes and illustrations embedded in his nine-volume Complete Works. The stories are relevant and thought-provoking, revealing his profound knowledge of human nature.
More info →Tales From Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrisna often presented his teachings through stories. Six of such stories are retold here for children with lively illustrations. The stories are: Sarvamangala, The Seven Jars, Jatila, The Cobra, Who Killed the Cow? The Pandit and the Milkmaid.
More info →Tales from Vivekananda
An adaptation for children of stories which Swami Vivekananda would often tell to his audiences; colorfully illustrated.
More info →The Prayer of St. Francis
The Prayer Of St. Francis, the most well-known and beloved Christian saint, is beautifully illustrated by Guiliano Ferri and written to appeal to young children.
More info →Upanishads for Students
Upanishads are a source of enduring strength and wisdom for living a noble and great life. What the young people need most is strength to face challenges and discover the true purpose of life. This is a small selection of important Upanishadic passages, made especially with young people in mind. With original devanagari script, transliteration, English translation plus comparable passages from Swami Vivekananda's works.
More info →Usborne Encyclopedia of World Religions, The
This thought-provoking book offers a balanced exploration of the beliefs, history and customs of all the major world religions.
More info →Value Oriented Moral Lessons Set: 1-4
Four small books with spiritual and moral guidance derived from the Hindu tradition graded progressively to suit children through the school years. Illustrated.
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