Vedanta Scriptures: Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, The Vol.1: The End of Sorrow

Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, The Vol.1: The End of Sorrow

The author presents the Gita as a practical manual for everyone who aims at goodness in a world of conflict and change. He illustrates the Gita's lofty insights with everyday events and contemporary problems familiar to all of us. Volume One: Chapters 1 - 6.

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Bhagavad Gita For Students

Bhagavad Gita For Students

Bhagavad Gita is a treasure house of wisdom and continues to guide us with eternal values in a changing society. This is a selection of important verses from the Gita on topics such as better concentration, overcoming anger, art of right action, and true happiness. With devanagari text, transliteration, English translation, and comparable quotes from Swami Vivekananda.

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Bhagavad Gita or Song of the Lord, The

Bhagavad Gita or Song of the Lord, The

An excellent prose translation. Pocket size.

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Bhagavad Gita or Song of the Lord, The

Bhagavad Gita or Song of the Lord, The

An excellent prose translation with commentary based on that of Shankara.

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Essence of the Gita

Essence of the Gita

Six talks given by the great swami, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, translated from Bengali.

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Living the Gita: Swami Prabhavananda’s Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita

Living the Gita: Swami Prabhavananda’s Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita

Book features the translation of the Bhagavad Gita by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, followed by a commentary of Swami Prabhavananda taken from his Gita classes. Compiled and edited by Pravrajika Brahmaprana.

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Message of the Bhagavad Gita

Message of the Bhagavad Gita

A collection of articles by eminent monks of the Ramakrishna Order, highlighting various aspects of the Gita.

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Ramanuja on the Gita

Ramanuja on the Gita

English translation of Sri Ramanuja's commentary closely connecting verse to text. English only.

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