Our Publications

ISBN: 9780961238865
120 pages
Price: $20.00
The First Universal Hindu Temple in the West: A Landmark of San Francisco
“The first Hindu temple in the whole Western world . . . dedicated to the cause of humanity”—proclaimed Swami Trigunatitananda, in the interest of interfaith harmony, at the temple’s dedication on January 7, 1906. Three months later the temple miraculously survived the San Francisco earthquake and fire of April 1906. It was the first permanent home of the Vedanta Society, which was founded in 1900 by Swami Vivekananda and was led successively by two other direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna.
Over a hundred years later, and after extensive seismic upgrades and repairs, it was rededicated on October 29, 2016. This commemorative volume on the Old Temple, as it is called, is a humble tribute to its founder, Swami Trigunatita, and his work. It contains many photos, articles, newspaper reports, personal accounts, and several other items related to the universal Hindu Temple and the swamis who lived and worked there in its one hundred ten year history.

ISBN: 9780961238841
91 pages
Price: $3.95
Spiritualizing Everyday Life and Worship of the Spirit by the Spirit
Two lectures, delivered and recorded in 1957 and 1955 and originally published as separate booklets, have been slightly re-edited for the present edition.

ISBN: 9780961238827
72 pages
Price: $3.95
Swami Vivekananda in San Francisco
This book contains the primary content of three lectures with this same title given extemporaneously by Swami Ashokananda in 1946, 1949 and 1965. Extracts from six lectures given in San Francisco by Swami Vivekananda have also been added.

ISBN: 9780961238834
434 pages
Price: $16.95
Swami Trigunatita, His Life and Work
Apart from telling the story of the swami’s early life in India, the author, Sister Gargi (Marie Louise Burke), vividly recounts his successful ground-breaking ministry in San Francisco which forms a part of the early history of the Ramakrishna-Vedanta movement in America.

ISBN: 9780961238858
Price: $10.00
The Voice of India
A magazine started by Swami Ashokananda and published by the Vedanta Society of Northern California during the years 1945 and 1946. It was the swami’s wish that a magazine could be started that would be welcomed by both devotees and scholars. Now available in USB drive, it contains all eleven issues in pdf format.

Size: 8-1/2″ X 11-1/4″
Code: PC4R
Price: $3.95
Madonna and Child, Lithograph Print
A faithful reproduction of the original painting seen by Sri Ramakrishna which was the inspiration for his first vision of Christ, in which he saw both mother and child as living and luminous.

Size: 4-3/4″ X 6-1/4″
Code: CMadonna
Price: $1.25