Meditation and Spiritual Life

Weight: 2kg
Pages: 705
Format: Hardback
A remarkably comprehensive manual of spiritual life with special emphasis on the practice of meditation. Chapters include valuable guidance regarding preliminary preparations, techniques of meditation, obstacles to be overcome, and the nature of genuine spiritual experience.
The book is structured as follows:
Spiritual Ideal: The Spiritual Quest, The Ideal of Superconscious Experience, The Soul and Its destiny, Different Conceptions About God, Worldly Duties and Spiritual Life, Conditions of Spiritual Life.
Spiritual Practice: Preparations: Walking on the Razor's Edge, The Guru and the Spiritual Guidance, Association with the Wise, Renunciation and Detachment, Purity of Mind - A Fundamental Need in Spiritual Life, The Problem of Sex in Spiritual Life, Practice of Brahacharya or Continence, Strength, Integration of Personality and Inner Poise, Love of God, Self-Surrender. Techniques: The Path of Yoga-Vedanta Synthesis, Essentials of Meditative Life, Concentration and Meditation, Some Practical Hints on Meditative Life, Place of Prayer in Spiritual Life, Mystic Worship, The Power of the Divine Name, Formless Meditation, Practice of the Presence of God.
Spiritual Experience: From the Unreal to the Real, Spiritual Transformation, Reactions to Sadhana, Reality of Spiritual Experience, Spiritual Unfoldment, The Attainment of Real Freedom in this Life, Life in Freedom, Footprints on the Sands of Time.