Enlightening Stories

Weight: 1kg
Pages: 392
Format: Paperback
‘Enlightening Stories’ is a collection of 74 stories compiled from Indian and other religious traditions. Geographically, they range from the jungles of India to the deserts of the Middle East and the hills of Italy; historically, from the Vedic period to the 20th century; culturally, from the Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi, and Christian traditions. Wide-ranging and eclectic, they reflect our rich heritage and illustrate the universality of spiritual truth.
Compiled, translated, and edited by Swami Vimohananda from Bengali title ‘Galpa Malika’ by Swami Chetanananda, and other sources.
About the Book
Author: Genre: Publisher: Advaita Ashrama
ISBN: 9788175054776
List Price: 10.50
ISBN: 9788175054776
List Price: 10.50