Dakshinamurti Stotram and Dasasloki of Sri Sankaracharya

Weight: 0.06kg
Pages: 30
Format: Paperback
Sri Sankaracharya's Dakshinamurti Stotram or "Hymn to Dakshinamurti" is a poetic masterpiece where in the short compass of ten stanzas the great teacher delineates the fundamental teachings of the whole Vedanta philosophy.
In this edition, Dasasloki or "Ten Verses on the Atman" is also added. These ten verses are considered by many in the traditional circles as the last pronouncement of Sankaracharya on the subject to his intimate disciples.
Nirvanashatakam or "Six Stanzas on Freedom" by the acharya is included in the Appendix.
The pocket-sized booklet provides the texts in Devanagari script (but no English transliteration), followed by English translation in verse form. Translated by Swami Gabhirananda.