Aspects of Vedanta

Weight: 1.25kg
Pages: 348
Format: Paperback
A compilation of articles by well-known scholars on many aspects and schools of Vedantic thought, collected mainly from the pages of Cultural Heritage of India.
Chapters included are: Brahma-Mimamsa; Essentials of Vedanta; Philosophy of Advaita; The Advaita and its Spiritual Significance; Post-Sankara Advaita; Philosophy of the Bhagavata; The Visisthadvaita of Ramanuja; Madhya's Brahma-Mimamsa; The Nimbarka School of Vedanta; The School of Vallabha; Bhedabheda School of Vedanta; The Achintya-Bhedabheda School; Buddhism in Relation to Vedanta; Buddhism in Indian Life and Thought; Advaita Vedanta according to Swami Vivekananda.
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