Swami Virajananda

Strive to Attain God

Strive to Attain God

These thought-provoking writings display the author's deep reflection on the Ramakrishna movement, its great founders, and its guiding principles.

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Towards the Goal Supreme: Paramartha Prasanga

Towards the Goal Supreme: Paramartha Prasanga

Words of guidance distilled from a lifetime of intense spiritual practice and experience by Swami Virajananda, President of the Ramakrishna Order (1938-1951).  First published in Bengali under the title 'Paramartha Prasanga', later translated by Swami Virajananda himself into English.  A pertinent discussion and eminently practical solution to the various doubts and problems, big and small, which daily confront the spiritual aspirant, mostly in the initial stage, is a special feature of the book; yet it contains a large number of the high spiritual truths which form the basis of these counsels.

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